
It has been a while, and I’ve wanted to deliver a minor update before a larger one.

I’ve been taking a break from the hobby and blog to focus on my personal and professional life. The past year has been quite busy, in a mostly positive way. Finally, the dust is beginning to settle in the sense that I can start to once again devote some mental real estate to my favorite hobby! I am starting to gear up the model train of thought.

This time away has given me a lot of opportunity to refine my interest in PEI railroading in the creative sense. Before taking a break, I became interested in the 1:64 scale, and I still find this an exciting way forward. I have arrived at two particular areas of interest and will plan two layouts simultaneously.

The first layout is a short-term goal, the planned Vernon River modules in 1:64 rather than 1:87. I have most of the equipment needed to accomplish this, and I just have to get down to the building part. No more buying is required for this layout.

The second layout is a long-term affair requiring a basement, which I do not yet have. This will be based on PEI, the mid-1970s up to the abandonment (1989) era prototype. Bram Bailey’s photos from his “Canadian National Atlantic Region In Color,” some Steve Hunter photos, and other video footage I have in the vault are a big inspiration. Rapido’s release of the RSC-14 has allowed this to be a viable option and goal to work towards. I have seven RSC-14s on order, numbers 1750-1756, some of which will be custom numbered by Rob Arsenault. Over the past year, I have been pre-ordering and tracking down relevant rolling stock and hoarding it away as it arrives.

I can’t promise a regimented schedule of updates, but I will do my best. There are some exciting developments on the way.


3 thoughts on “SITREP/ VERNON RIVER/ 20JUl23@0111Z

  1. Hope all is well, it’s important to take time away, it’s a hobby and it’s supposed to help us relax and enjoy life. I’ve been on a mini break really since the start of May, lots of desire to do stuff until I go to the workshop, then it evaporates so I go back to doing something else till the motivation returns!

    Look forward to seeing what you are up to when you are back at it.


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